Coexistence 101


Coexistence 101 is an intervention program for students struggles in Core. We are using attendance and Core Case Conference referrals to determine which students may benefit from the intervention process.


PART ONE: Procedure and Protocol

  1. Michael makes contact with student identified for Coexist. Since many of these identified students have attendance issues, Michael will accompany these students (individually) to meet directly with Tim when they are on campus.
  2. Michael introduces the student to Tim. Tim schedules an individual meeting with the student, which will take place on the Wednesday following the initial introduction. Meeting times happen during 1st, 2nd, 4th periods, or during lunch on Wednesdays since Max teaches Exploring Computer Science during those times on Wednesdays.
  3. Individual student meetings (Wednesday meetings) will last approximately 20-minutes. The meetings will be structured according to a series of questions designed to gain insights into the student’s struggles and barriers to success at ECCO. Tim will have a completed data form by the end of each conversation for each student. This record will inform future steps.

STEP TWO: Next Steps

  1. Once a student has successfully completed their meeting, Tim will make the following determinations:

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